Autopen Signature Templates

The legacy Autopens like the Autopen Model 80 and Model PT are each controlled by a plastic template to reproduce actual handwriting. These templates are produced from high quality Plexiglas to assure a longer life and reliable signature quality.  As these templates do not develop cracks or warp, no particular maintenance is required or even recommended.

An inverted template (signs upside down) can be ordered to accommodate oversize posters, documents, or certificates.

We still support the manufacturing of legacy Autopen machine templates.  When ordering an Autopen template, be certain to specify your model since the templates are not interchangeable.

Please be certain to provide shipping and billing instructions along with a telephone number when you place your order. In order to assure a high quality signature, you must provide us with the original signature. (Faxes distort dimensions and scanned files sometimes hide subtleties of pen motion).  For convenience, we have created a downloadable form for ordering legacy Autopen signatures.  Use of this form is not required; see our instructions on how to buy new Autopen signatures from us.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our signature replication. Generally, we do everything we can to exactly duplicate your sample. If you would like more or less emphasis on a portion of the signature, please include a note with your order asking us to call and discuss the signature details.